Revolutionary, Nazi Killer, Hitler’s other People’s Car
Posted on Aug 26, 2014 in Antique | Comments Off on Revolutionary, Nazi Killer, Hitler’s other People’s Car

Adolph Hitler and Dr. Ferdinand Porsche are usually credited with the development of the Volkswagen Beetle. But there is another designer who shares in the credit, one who is not only forgotten, but was only recognized for his achievement after he sued Porsche, and won. That designer is Hans Ledwinka, and he was an automotive designer responsible for many...
Read MoreDriver Distraction, One More Time
Posted on Aug 25, 2014 in Safety | 1 comment

On a recent trip to New York City, I had a typical cab ride with the driver yammering on his cell phone for most of the trip—and driving pretty well nonetheless. But his doing this irritated the hell out of me, and like most people, I was too polite (read, intimidated) to speak up and start a possible argument. Despite lower national numbers for auto accidents...
Read MoreI Bet You Thought Vespa Only Made Scooters: The Vespa 400 Car
Posted on Aug 18, 2014 in Editorials | 1 comment

Our friend Mr. Baruth is on a bit of a motorcycle kick lately and, while he’s not quite ready to cruise the interstate highways on a Honda Gold Wing, he recently described the Wing as “one of those brilliant products that both defines a market segment and then comes to utterly dominate it.” The same could be said for another two-wheeler, though one that...
Read MoreSetting up a home garage
Posted on Aug 13, 2014 in Featured | 2 comments

Richard’s column on setting up a home garage, which previously ran in the August 2005 issue of Hemmings Motor News and the December 2007 issue of Hemmings Sports & Exotic Car, includes such good advice, we thought it worth running it yet again. Setting up a garage for your old car restoration needs is the single-most important phase of your car’s...
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