How Chevy and Apple Might Stop “Webbing”
Posted on Aug 28, 2019 in Safety | 1 comment

Next to drinking and driving, texting while driving is the surest way to cause impairment in a driver’s ability to control a car and react to quickly changing traffic conditions. Now that smart phones have infiltrated nearly every section of humanity (hey, I just got one, which is a sure sign everyone else in the world already did), they are wreaking havoc on...
Read MoreForty years later, the Chevette can still get better mileage than many new cars
Posted on Aug 24, 2019 in Featured | 2 comments

Something about the Chevrolet Chevette still makes it a perennial favorite among those unimaginative authors who feel compelled to pen “worst car ever” lists more than a quarter of a century after it left production, but the fact remains that more than a million of the subcompacts sold in the United States and millions more sold around the globe. Forty years...
Read MoreBentley, Ferrari and Mazda Take to the Ice
Posted on Aug 10, 2019 in Racing | Comments Off on Bentley, Ferrari and Mazda Take to the Ice

Mazda MX-5 ice race “Hey, did you hear a 20-year-old rookie won the Daytona 500!?” The phone call came from a friend last week within minutes of Trevor Bayne’s unlikely victory. I couldn’t even pretend to be interested. “Oh, was that today? I don’t really follow NASCAR.” In fact, not being from Virginia or North Carolina, I don’t even like NASCAR racing, much...
Read MorePagani Huayra – The New Supercar Benchmark
Posted on Aug 7, 2019 in Technology | 1 comment

There is a new car atop the Top Gear performance lap time board called the Pagani Huayra. I think it’s time I put the latest Pagani creation at the forefront of your gearhead minds because I know it’s #1 on my ultimate wish list. I mean that, and I’m not talking about your average wish list of attainable cars you would like to buy in the future, or even if you...
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