After all these cars, am I still a car guy?
Posted on Feb 23, 2020 in Featured | 2 comments

Me and my father with the 1968 Triumph TR-250, at a “high-speed” auto-cross run on an abandoned runway in 1979 at Orange Airport, Massachusetts. I think I won my class that day. All photos courtesy of the author. [Editor’s Note: Reader Peter Doherty, Jr. recently wrote in with his story of cars loved and lost and races won and lost, all to ponder what it really...
Read MoreThis is How a Car Engine Works (Animated Infographic)
Posted on Feb 18, 2020 in Technology | 1 comment

Sure, we all love cars, but not all of us are mechanically-inclined enough to take an engine apart and put it back together. Many of us know what terms like “exhaust manifold” and “differential” mean (even if we couldn’t explain how it really works). Hell, a lot of us can change our own oil, gap and swap out some spark plugs, and maybe even install some new...
Read MoreZing in Your Thing
Posted on Feb 12, 2020 in Editorials | 1 comment

I had another opportunity to visit United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka last week and, naturally, I brought along my camera for another visit to the “Lemon Lot.” While my last visit noted the many people haulers for sale and focused on a pair of cheerful Toyota Fun Cargoes, this time, my attention was drawn to sportier fare. First on the list is a 1992...
Read MoreUsed Buyer Beware: GM Recalling 200,000 Vehicles
Posted on Feb 11, 2020 in Safety | 1 comment

Imagine buying a used car, getting it home, parking it in the garage, then waking in the middle of the night to flames caused by that car. It’s not a likely scenario, but it is possible. If you recently purchased, or plan to purchase, a used GM SUV, be sure to check for recalls before signing on the dotted line. Fires caused by a defect in a car are rare, but...
Read MoreWorst Cars from the 1970’s
Posted on Feb 8, 2020 in Antique | Comments Off on Worst Cars from the 1970’s

I am re-posting this article as part of a special request made from one of my avid readers, and biggest fan. Flyaway something or other. Mr. Fly is presently living somewhere in a facility where the world confines internet trolls, and is especially enraptured with my opinions on this subject. Not only does he agree with my findings, but has squealed with...
Read MoreClassic Wood
Posted on Feb 8, 2020 in Antique | Comments Off on Classic Wood

What type of car do you think is a Woody Is it the Wagon Queen Family Truckster from the movies with its “metallic pea” paint and its sheets of fake wood? A beach buggy complete with surfboard? Something that can’t be discussed on a family website? For me, a New Englander, the Woodie brings to mind a great 1930’s station wagon driving up a quiet road in...
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