The Tale of the Round Door Rolls-Royce
Posted on Sep 18, 2021 in Editorials | 1 comment

I’ve tangentially touched on the topic of this post, the famous art deco “Round Door Rolls-Royce”, before when discussing Audi advertising and some Detroit history. On my recent trip to Los Angeles to drive a McLaren 675LT (you think Jack Baruth is the only TTAC staffer who can swing the loan of a supercar?), I took the opportunity to visit the newly renovated...
Read MoreNew Technology Addresses Distracted Driving
Posted on Sep 13, 2021 in Technology | 2 comments

One morning, Sunil Vallath was talking to his wife (then fiancée) on the phone. With both of them being in other countries at the time, conversing over the phone was common. Without warning, Vallath was suddenly thrust into a situation that haunts him to this day. “It still gives me shivers to think of what could have happened if luck had run out on us that...
Read MoreFrom Pebble Beach to Udaipur India
Posted on Sep 12, 2021 in Antique | Comments Off on From Pebble Beach to Udaipur India

Recently I was lucky enough to receive an email from a fellow auto journalist named Claus Muller. Claus is a collector, racer and Managing Director of the Munich Café Racers. He wanted to inform me of an article that he had written about a recent trip to India. What he didn’t mention was that the trip was for him to be a guest of his Highness Arvind Singh...
Read MoreWinter Car Hacks? Try Good Common Sense Instead
Posted on Sep 9, 2021 in Safety | 1 comment

Winter has set in across the United States, which is something of which the people of upstate New York need no reminder. When winter snow and ice make their annual return, websites like to give advice on how to deal with the effects on cars. Advice on everything from driving through blizzards to de-icing your car with onions can be found with a simple Google...
Read MoreQuick question: Is filming yourself hooning on public roads okay?
Posted on Sep 8, 2021 in Featured | 2 comments

So the last week or so, the autoblogosphere – not to mention the citizens of San Diego – have worked themselves into an uproar over the video from which the still above was taken. It features some bro tearing around San Diego sans permits in his jacked-up off-road buggy in an attempt to get his sponsors some attention. Coincidentally, we had just run the...
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