Epic Untrue Failures
Posted on Jul 1, 2014 in Antique | Comments Off on Epic Untrue Failures
My friend at Just A Car Guy posted this great article that he found on another great site called Dean’s Garage. They describe some of the dumbest, strangest, and most tragic stories in the car world that I have ever read, and had to republish them here. UPDATE – I just found out that these are not true, and are just made up. Still, they are funny and worth a look. Would you fall for them?

On a side note, I have mentioned before how much I like Just A Car Guy, and check it out every day. I did not know about Dean’s Garage, and discovered it is pretty amazing itself. It is a site that has some amazing posts, and focuses on design. Inside, there are a ton of rare stories about cars and the auto industry that I never heard before, and he covers a huge array of topics. I highly recommend bookmarking it, and checking it out regularly.

Our first story is about a guy who lashed a half dozen motorcycles together, started them, and basically crashed. His excuse for leaving the crash scene is great…he had an appointment with his tailor.

Next we have an Italian race car builder known for mailing live scorpions to competitors. He builds a car, loads it with rancid cheese, only to watch it crash in the end. Strange story, strange guy.

In Japan, there is a famous quote…”Next time don’t use Hula Hoops.” This is the story of the man, and his car that brought us that line, still heard in a popular Japanese song.

Here is the story of a good old American scam artist, who built a car, took some money, and disappeared. Gotta love the roaring 30’s.

Take one Canadian, one hockey puck to the head, and you have a great idea for a new car. In the end, it was a bad idea from the start.

This is the story of a German in the 1930’s that built a huge car, with a huge Zepplin engine, huge power, but no brakes. It ends the way you expect it to.

The short story of the world’s most dangerous safe car, or the world’s most safe dangerous car, built using a 12 horsepower motor and a great iron claw for a brake.