So a Blonde Crashes a Bentley into a Ferrari, Aston Martin, Mercedes and Porsche…
Posted on Jul 21, 2015 in Safety | 3 comments

…And it’s not even a joke.
I’m not one to laugh, too hard, at other people’s misfortunes. In fact, unless someone’s smart fortwo ends up in a river, I’m actually pretty compassionate. But I think my level of compassion for people tapers as their bank accounts rise.
Do I feel bad for the unemployed family man who gets his only car stolen? Of course. Do I shed a tear for the blonde driving the Bentley who smashes into a number of other exotic supercars? Ummm… no. Well, maybe, but the tear will come at the sight of an injured Aston Martin and not for the loaded socialite who caused an exotic automotive Armageddon.

Perhaps you’ve heard this story by now, but a woman driving a $360,000Bentley Azure in Monte Carlo managed to create a pileup that included a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, a Ferrari F430, an Aston Martin Rapide and a Porsche 911. That’s about a million bucks in premier automotive sheetmetal and now-busted plastics and carbon fiber.
So how did this happen? Yahoo sums it up nicely:
What’s evident is that these five vehicles did not all converge on each other in one massive supercar big bang. The Bentley clearly was at fault. Its nose is pointing straight at the casino’s entrance, an entrance where fine cars are routinely valet-parked diagonally. It seems that the Bentley’s driver thought she could sneak past the white Mercedes, then swerved right when she realized they were going to collide, which in turn clipped the Rapide coming up on her right. The Ferrari and the Porsche were collateral damage – parked directly in the Bentley’s now diverted path.
Wouldn’t you love to listen to the Bentley’s driver call her insurance agent?
“So you crashed into a Mercedes?”
“And an Aston Martin. Maybe a Ferrari, too. And I think there was a Porsche in there somewhere… This won’t increase my rates, right?”
There’s no chance she can get out of it either, since the story is all over the blog-o-sphere and witnesses at the scene happily filled their memory cards full of images.
The accident surely embarrassed the driver and threw a major kink into her day while causing headaches (and heartaches) for the owners of the other cars. I find it terribly amusing, though, that a posh playground for the super-rich briefly turned into a demolition derby.
I wouldnt shed a tear for the chick who crashed the Bently, But I would shed a tear for the Aston, Ferrari, Benz, and Porsche. Truly tragic (lol).
Hahahahaha! It’s probably not even her car… it’s her rich daddy’s. Love it.
I saw this on the news. Like you, I can’t do much other than laugh at rich folks that can afford such cars (but not afford a driver) and a fender bender where nobody was injured. I haven’t had an accident that was my fault, although I did get ticketed once for rear-ending a car load of yakking women who stopped for a yellow light 20 feet into an intersection. Unfortunately I was behind them and pushed them through to the other side.