German Rockmeister Produces Inspirational Audi Song

German Rockmeister Produces Inspirational Audi Song

Big whoop, you say? Well, Leslie Madoki (left) is no small potatoes in Germany. He’s a big-deal music producer and, as such, was asked by Audi to produce an inspiring tribute to the team which will race in the DTM, a big-deal German modified touring car championship race beginning tomorrow in Hockenheim. This is serious stuff. So, let’s not be too sarcastic...

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Win a Free Purolator Oil Filter

Win a Free Purolator Oil Filter

Not all of us put a lot of thought into the type of oil filters we put on our cars, and just leave it up to the mechanic who changes our oil. But guess what they use – the cheapest possible filter they can find. Many oil filters are made with cardboard end caps and media, and filters out particles just enough to be deemed safe. Purolator oil filters are made...

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High Mileage, Low Maintenance Camaro?

High Mileage, Low Maintenance Camaro?

Casey writes: Hello Sajeev, I have another question for you. My wife has wanted a Camaro and lately I have been thinking about surprising her with one for her birthday or maybe Christmas, so I have been searching the listings for a nice used example. First thing I noticed is these cars sure seem to hold their value! I found a Craigslist ad for a very nice...

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Revolutionary, Nazi Killer, Hitler’s other People’s Car

Revolutionary, Nazi Killer, Hitler’s other People’s Car

Adolph Hitler and Dr. Ferdinand Porsche are usually credited with the development of the Volkswagen Beetle. But there is another designer who shares in the credit, one who is not only forgotten, but was only recognized for his achievement after he sued Porsche, and won. That designer is Hans Ledwinka, and he was an automotive designer responsible for many...

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Driver Distraction, One More Time

Driver Distraction, One More Time

On a recent trip to New York City, I had a typical cab ride with the driver yammering on his cell phone for most of the trip—and driving pretty well nonetheless. But his doing this irritated the hell out of me, and like most people, I was too polite (read, intimidated) to speak up and start a possible argument. Despite lower national numbers for auto accidents...

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I Bet You Thought Vespa Only Made Scooters: The Vespa 400 Car

I Bet You Thought Vespa Only Made Scooters: The Vespa 400 Car

Our friend Mr. Baruth is on a bit of a motorcycle kick lately and, while he’s not quite ready to cruise the interstate highways on a Honda Gold Wing, he recently described the Wing as “one of those brilliant products that both defines a market segment and then comes to utterly dominate it.” The same could be said for another two-wheeler, though one that...

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Setting up a home garage

Setting up a home garage

Richard’s column on setting up a home garage, which previously ran in the August 2005 issue of Hemmings Motor News and the December 2007 issue of Hemmings Sports & Exotic Car, includes such good advice, we thought it worth running it yet again. Setting up a garage for your old car restoration needs is the single-most important phase of your car’s...

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Go Ahead, Steal My Car

Go Ahead, Steal My Car

Car thefts are going up again, after a year’s decline. In Chicago, crime overall was down 10.6 percent, but car thefts went up 21.8 percent, compared to January 2010. Las Vegas has 20.3 motor vehicle thefts per 1,000 residents; the U.S. average is 3.15. Well, why not? A lot of folks have bad nights at the craps table. “The key is under the seat, Frank.” The...

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Is Electric Really Better?

Is Electric Really Better?

Before you all freak out on me because you think I’m just going to smash and trash electric vehicles, hear me out. I’m not poo-pooing them because I think they’re too slow or ugly looking. I have valid arguments that I want to bring to everyone’s attention. And now that you haven’t read that and don’t care anyways, I’ll continue. I think electric cars are...

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A look back at the Camaro, through the eyes of contemporary Chevy designers

A look back at the Camaro, through the eyes of contemporary Chevy designers

First-generation Camaro analysis by Ed Welburn. With a new Chevrolet Camaro poised for introduction in the coming months, GM wants to keep the model fresh in the eyes of consumers until the sixth-generation car takes its bow. One innovative way to do so is to look back at five generations of Camaro, as seen through Chevrolet’s current design executives. Ed...

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The Pot Is Boiling in Formula One

The Pot Is Boiling in Formula One

Ferrari, always the big gorilla in motor racing, threw a monkey wrench into Formula One yesterday. The company threatened, indeed promised, to pull out of next year’s events unless the folks in charge (Féderation Internationale de l’Automobile, or FIA) recant on their bonehead idea to change the rules and effectively create a two-tiered racing system. FIA says...

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Epic Untrue Failures

Epic Untrue Failures

My friend at Just A Car Guy posted this great article that he found on another great site called Dean’s Garage. They describe some of the dumbest, strangest, and most tragic stories in the car world that I have ever read, and had to republish them here. UPDATE – I just found out that these are not true, and are just made up. Still, they are funny and worth a...

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Should All New Cars Get Backup Cameras?

Should All New Cars Get Backup Cameras?

If my SUV had a backup camera, I would have been able to sell it. I had no idea how popular these things were until I put my car up for sale, and the first question from everyone who contacted me about it was, “Does it have a backup camera?” Apparently this is even more important than mileage, tire condition, and whether or not the car has an engine....

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